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100% Confidential Counseling
This program provides members with a way to find help dealing with personal and work-related issues. Without this help, these issues could decrease members’ quality of life or interfere with job performance.
Services Provided
- Live Person Answering Phone 24/7/365
- Live Interactive Virtual, Face to Face, Telephonic Counseling
- 4 Renewable Sessions – Receive 4 more sessions after there has been a 2-month break
- since the last session. Up to 12 annually per eligible member and household member.
- NOTE: California residents receive 3 sessions every 6 months.
- Dedicated Personal Client Solutions Specialist (CSS)
- HR / Supervisory & Member / Employee Orientations (Interactive Webinar) (1 of Each Annually for Every 75 Members)
- Intensive Case Management Option, Including Job Performance Referrals
- HR, Management & Supervisor Consultations- Limitless
- Virtual Annual Program Evaluation Meetings with CSS
- Utilization Reports Annually
- Personalized Electronic Promotional Materials- Limitless
- Work/Life Resources (Child Care, Eldercare, Parenting, Stress Management, Education, Financial / Time Management and Balance, etc.)
- Personalized Online Work/Life Training Library with Thousands of Virtual Trainings & Ability to Track Progress
- Access to Online Live Chat Feature-Limitless
- Electronic Monthly Newsletter (Supervisor and Employee Versions, Also Available in Spanish)
- Advanced HR Support & Assistance in Professional Development (COMPASS) (fees may apply)
- Access to Robust Catalog of Unlimited, Individually Tailored Training Topics
- Tailored Elder Care Telephonic Counseling & Resources
- Financial Wellness Telephonic Counseling
- Life Coaching Sessions
- Personal Help in All Areas of Work/Life Convenience (Child/Eldercare, Housing Assistance, Local Community-Based Resources, etc.)-Limitless